Hive Insights

WordPress Development
Custom Javascript

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Surgery Exchange

WordPress Development
Elementor Add-On

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The Breman Museum

WordPress  Development – Elementor

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Sibley Heart Center

Designed and Developed Sibley Heart Center’s WordPress Intranet

Self Care Microsite

WordPress Design & Development

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Safe Havens International

We developed this store for Safe Havens International.  This WordPress/WooCommerce solution is leveraging itthinks Groups plugins and Vimeo to deliver a video streaming subscription service.

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Sibley Heart Center

Developed WordPress microsite.

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A deals site modeled after some popular promo/deal sites for the pet healthcare industry. This WordPress/Woocommerce solution is using a handful of plugins like Geo my WP and a few from IgniteWoo. The site allows vendors to register and sell services.

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